盛 圭太

Detail: Bug report (Circuit), 2022
Cotton thread & silk thread, copper thread,
Caran d'ache on paper
© ADAGP Keita Mori
Courtesy the artist and rin art association, Takasaki
会場:アニエスベー ギャラリー ブティック
会期:2023年9月16日(土) – 11月5日(日)
時間:12:00 – 20:00
協力:rin art association
広報協力:YN Associates
アニエスベー ギャラリー ブティックは、9月16日(土)から11月5日(日)まで、パリ在住アーティスト、盛圭太の個展「眠たい名前」を開催します。
盛は、線の起源を糸とする仮説から、これまで糸によるドローイングシリーズ: Bug report を展開してきました。盛が『衣を家に例えると、糸は建材を司る』と言うように、糸のドローイングには建築設計図のように緻密で幾何学的な形状が現われます。
ドローイングという表現領域を拡張すべく、紙や壁の上に糸をグルーガンで張る独自の手法でシリーズ: Bug reportを制作してきた。イメージを成す二種類の線: 糸の張った『直線』と緩んだ『曲線』は比喩的にシステムのバイナリな構成要素を成す。一連のシリーズを通じて、線を付け加えるたびに集積する亀裂(バグ)をレポートすることで暫定的な現実の認識を試みてきた。構築と瓦解の様相をもつ“途上の光景”を。

Bug report, 2021, Cotton thread and silk on wall,
Exhibition view «Kasetsu no Kaetsu», Galerie Catherine Putman, Paris
© ADAGP Keita Mori, Photo. Rebecca Fanuel, Courtesy the artist and Galerie Catherine Putman, Paris
1981年北海道生まれ。多摩美術大学卒業後渡仏し、パリ在住。文化庁新進芸術家海外研修員としてパリ国立美術学校に在籍。その後パリ第VIII大学大学院美術研究科修了。線の始まりを糸とする仮説からドローイングシリーズを制作。2017年フランス初のコンテンポラリードローイングに特化したアートセンター、ドローイング・ラボにて、施設のこけら落しとなる個展「Strings」を行う。同年、松縁芸術助成基金 『松谷賞』の初の受賞者となる。近年の主な展覧会に、ヴォルフスブルク現代美術館、国立新美術館、東京都現代美術館など国内外で発表。カトリーヌ・プットマンギャラリー、高崎のrin art associationに所属。作品はマルセイユ現代美術センター、アキテーヌ現代美術センターをはじめ、プライベート、パブリックコレクションに所蔵。
[English follows]
Keita Mori
“A Drowsy Name”
Venue: agnès b. gallery boutique
La Fleur Minami-Aoyama 2F, 5-7-25 Minami-Aoyama, Minato-ku, Tokyo
Date: September 16th (Sat) – November 5th (Sun), 2023
Closed on Mondays (except September 18th and October 9th)
Open hours: 12:00 – 20:00
Opening reception: Friday, September 15, 2023 18:00 – 21:00
agnès b. gallery boutique will hold a solo exhibition by the Paris-based artist Keita Mori “A Drowsy Name” from September 16th (Sat.) to November 5th (Sun).
Based on the hypothesis that lines originate from threads, Mori has developed the drawing series “Bug Report” using threads. And as he says, “If we compare a cloth to a house, threads control the building materials”, his thread drawings reveal intricate, geometric shapes like architectural plans.
In this exhibition, the artist gives a new silhouette to the lyrical and mystical landscape of hanging threads.
By giving names to objects and landscapes that are separate from the body, Mori open the possibility which threads can become portraits, and explore what it means to change the visible shape. The portraits does not identify a specific person, but rather suggests a moment that describes a person as if they were half dreaming, in the elusive metaphorical state of clear but not fixed “drowsy name”.
The exhibition will be also presented at the “art wall” inside agnès b. Kyoto BAL store.
This work will be created publicly on September 20th (Wednesday) from 15:00 to 17:00. Together with the exhibition at Aoyama Gallery, we invite you to enjoy this fleeting “scene in progress” that will last for only 51 days.
Artist Statement
In order to expand the expressive realm of drawing, I have created the “Bug Report” series using an original method of stretching thread onto paper and walls using a glue gun. There are two types of lines that make up the image: the taut straight line and the loose curved line, figuratively ruling the binary components of the system.
Throughout this series, I tried to make provisional perceptions of reality, by reporting the cracks (bugs) that accumulate with each added line; A “scene in progress” with aspects of construction and destruction.
If this landscape emerges unleashed from its origins or derivation, and it changes its form like a cloud as soon as you name it…
These drawings made of thread lines simulate a metaphorical portrait without body or face, and staying in slumber…
Artist Profile
Born in Hokkaido, Japan in 1981, and lives and works in Paris. After his studies at the Tama University of Art (Tokyo), he completed his master’s degree at the University of Paris VIII and his training at the ENSBA (Beaux Arts Paris) by the Fellowship of Overseas Study Programme for Artists of the Agency for Cultural Affairs, Japanese Government. Keita Mori has been creating a series of drawings through the hypothesis on thread being the origin of a line. In 2017, the Drawing Lab in Paris hosted his solo show “Strings” for the opening of this center. In the same year, they received the inaugural “Matsutani Prize” from the Shoen Foundation. Keita MORI has notably been exhibited at the National Art Center, Tokyo; Kunstmuseum Wolfsburg, Wolfsburg; Museum of Contemporary Art Tokyo, Tokyo. He is represented by Catherine Putman Gallery, Paris and rin art association, Takasaki. His work is in private and public collections including FRAC PACA, Marseille; FRAC Nouvelle-Aquitaine MÉCA, Bordeaux.
agnès b. Kyoto BAL
251 Yamazaki-cho, Kawaramachi-Sanjo Sagaru, Nakagyo-ku, Kyoto-City, KYOTO
September 20th – November 5th (open everyday)
Open hours: 11:00 – 20:00
Public production: Wednesday, September 20th, 2023 15:00 – 17:00